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Good Ideas

Meta launched the "Good Ideas" campaign to promote outstanding businesses and help them gain visibility through their social media platforms. The campaign was advertised via social media, programmatic displays, and out-of-home advertising. Engaging motion graphics were essential to highlight the uniqueness of these businesses.


The first step involved collaborating with the Meta marketing team to understand the campaign's goals and target audience. This collaboration informed the development of the overall animation framework, determining how each element should move and interact to ensure the animations were dynamic and engaging.

Next, I focused on the animation style, choosing techniques, movements, and transitions that were both eye-catching and subtle enough not to distract from the main message. I ensured all animations aligned with Meta's brand identity to maintain consistency and coherence across the campaign.

During production, I oversaw a team of motion graphic artists who executed additional versions with different aspect ratios, text, and product transitions based on the initial set of animations I developed. I provided feedback and ensured quality control to maintain consistency across all formats.

In the finalization stage, I ensured all deliverables were completed on time and within budget. Additionally, I verified that the animations maintained Meta's brand integrity while showcasing the individuality of each business.

Nice Shoes
Creative Director - Motion / 2D-3D animation lead
additional credits
Social Media